
Students Make a 168 Film Project Run

High School Students Jessica Hernandez &
Ramona Mayer with Teacher Sarah Paige Cooper (L-R)
from Locke II Charter High School in Watts, CA

Students are a growing part of the 168 Film Project. A practicum in faith-based filmmaking.

For Schedule, Click Here.

Schools like Biola have given college credit for participating in 168 in the past, and we have had student participation from across the country. According to director John David Ware, "We encourage student participation and we give awards for excellence in 'all-student productions.'"

168 veteran Sarah Paige Cooper is a leading a 2012 student entry. According to Ms. Cooper, "Our team includes seniors at Locke II Charter High School in Watts, CA. I taught them introductory drama as sophomores, and we wanted to work together on one big project before they graduate. What better way to tell their story than through 168!"

"My first 168 film was in 2008. I was overwhelmed and I made a lot of mistakes. My biggest lesson was that this is God's film, His project, and if I surrender the outcome to Him, His purpose will prevail and the students will have an amazing experience. So this year, my prayer is for Him to use these students to tell His story through their eyes and their words, and I'm excited to see what they come up with."

"168 provides educational workshops that allows student producers to participate in and interact with professional, mature filmmakers in a safe, respectful environment. 168 has always encouraged the development of filmmakers, regardless of their age or experience. The 168 time frame works with our school schedule and guarantees screening of films (with respect to the rules). 168 provides the challenge of interpreting a scripture verse in a 10-11 minute film with high expectations for story and character development; without profanity and graphic violence or sex. 168 provides students with the opportunity to tell what God is doing in their lives, and what He means to them."

"The entire cast and crew will be students from our school. I selected 2 student producers, who recruited the rest of the team. The students will produce, write, direct, act in and edit the film.
"The challenges in producing with students are many. It's a huge workload for kids, often with little experience and minimal equipment. So, prayer and careful selection of personnel is key. Our prayer partner is Suez Smith from Oregon."

Producer/director/editor Jessica Hernandez is a senior at Animo Locke II Charter High School in Watts. Her interest in filmmaking began when she was cast as an angel in her brother's short film. When she saw the finished film, she was hooked.
"I wanted to produce something of my own, something to amaze people as his film did to me." When Ms. Cooper told me about the 168 Film Project, I got excited instantly! I can learn from people who actually made award-winning shorts. I excited to meet Ralph Winter, producer of some of my favorite movies like: 'Fantastic Four,' 'Hocus Pocus,' 'Inspector Gadget,' and 'X-Men.' I have much to learn & 168 is the first step for me."

Producer/assistant director/actor Ramona Mayer is a senior at Animo Locke.
"I can't wait to face the challenges and lessons that 168 has to offer. We are using our creativity to display God's glory through film. I am definitely excited to be part of this project and everything it stands for. Thank you for giving us this opportunity."

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