
12th Day on the Set of Unbridled


L-R David Topp With TC Stallings Feb. 20, Raleigh NC

Above is the site of our night shoot.

It's been a great shoot so far with lots of challenges.

Most recently we have survived a tornado alert which resulted in about an hour delay, waiting in a tornado bunker.  We took this time to play game called "favorite childhood memories."  It was a real bonding experience with the cast and crew.

Our male lead, David Topp told a good one of himself as a wee lad.  He was watching the Three Stooges with his father, who was later sleeping innocently.

So naturally, David took a cue from Curlee Stooge and thought it would be really funny if he whacked his sleeping father in the head with a hammer.

He actually did this, making a big white mark in his forehead just between his eyes.  The thing that he remembered was how kind his father was, not even getting mad or taking offense to the injury.

It was an important and fun time of bonding for the crew and cast.

I have had a horrific cold for three days now and my voices two octaves lower.   Makes for a really good dramatic readings I hope to share with you sometime later.  Maybe the 23rd Psalm or some other juicy passage.

My uncle Phil died today and that was sad. I called  my Aunt Judy, and gave my sympathies.

Cool thing was we were shooting a scene about an Uncle Phil in the script today.  The girl's line was, "Do you know what Phil means? It means love, like Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love.

Thought u should know…

Pray for good weather, rain when needed and clouds when needed.  All in His timing.
